Songtrack for Passengers #7

Nobody’s Dirty Business

“Can you be quiet?” She tells me

Thomas is trying to go to sleep

Sorry Mississippi John Hurt

But you got it so right it hurts

I can’t sing it like you but she

Tries to rule me boozy or not

I got no pride left and that’s how

She likes it. I want to get out

To the Delta way of doing things

Go on up the country to sing

Texas blues, brown leather shoes

Worn thin and dirty, living loose

Neighbors are all getting divorced

Here we are bickering about gas

Everything has to be even and as

We walk inside, Thomas’s face worse

We have our pain, but he has more

And that no plaintive song can hide

While I’ve got rambling on my mind

So how do I not say one word?

April 7, 2012